Acquire Knowledge

“Grow in Grace and in the Knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ” – 2Peter3v18


A person being baptized

Most Christians know that heaven awaits them when they die, but not all know how to live a life of victory here on the earth some know how to die, but they do not know how to live! In Christ, you can have the best of both worlds abundant life on earth and eternal life in heaven! Your Savior has paid the price of your redemption IN FULL. Do not accept anything less than what Jesus paid for! Do not accept the world s woes. God has made you a winner. Do not let the storms of life subdue you…you are destined to be above only, never beneath. You are made for mastery, not for misery. You are destined to be a victor, not a victim. Walking in Dominion will teach you how to consistently live in victory. Quite frankly, your life will change radically! Get ready to overcome every difficulty that confronts you. Prepare to reign in the position of authority that is rightfully yours in Christ Jesus. You are a son and daughter of the King of kings. You are ordained to walk in dominion!


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Royal Proclamations are time-proven life principles critical for joy and prosperity in the workplace and in daily living. Princess Bola Adelani, President and Founder of Royal Proclamations, teaches Royal Proclamations to your most valuable assets: You, your employees, and your students.

Princess Bola, a.k.a. the Total Success Coach, equips business professionals, students, and others with Knowledge, POWER, Motivation, and Skills. Equipped with the right principles, people will conquer their fears, unlock their Passions, seize Opportunities, gain Wisdom, build on their Experience and get Results. It’s the; ‘Formula for Total Success!

Royal Proclamations programs present specific tools to dramatically improve individuals, corporations, and institutions. Participants call these presentations: “engaging, inspirational, motivational, and transformational”!


We are done with religion and from a place of relationship and intimacy; we are representing our “Lion King Jesus” – the Lion of the Tribe of Judah, on the earth, by demonstrating his love, power, mercy and wisdom.