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These one of a kind, thought provoking and inspiring videos, blogs, books and PDFs will undoubtedly awaken the giant in you, and alter the trajectory of your life. 



We are a global apostolic prophetic network of Sons [and Daughters] who are done with scratching the surface and are moving from elementary things unto maturity, feasting on the filet mignon of the word of God Hebrews 6: 1 & 2


American Standard Version Bible PDF

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Life M.B.A.® Mentorship Series – Commemorating 28 Years in Ministry.

May 19, 2018 will mark 28 years since I answered the call to ministry. My journey began on that date in 1990 after a very dramatic encounter with Jesus at a Full Gospel Business Men Fellowship at Airport Hotel in Lagos and stern words of admonition by the late Dr. Ike...

“Overturn, Overturn, Overturn; The Showdown Before Showtime” – A Prophetic Word.

Princess Bola is back at #theDEEPend, breaking down Ezekiel 21: 27 – the prophetic word that she received while praying for Kenya/Africa, last year. Today, she goes deeper and shares the full implication, application and ramifications of this powerful word and how it...

Get Positioned for The Open Door.

In my latest video (Prophetic Word for February), I said that February is the Month of The Open Door. That is why the two special events below have been scheduled for February: #RISEAfricaWarriors (RAW) 21 Day Prayer and Fasting Teleconference. ~ AND~ Destiny...

February – The Month of The Open Door.

God spoke to me a couple of days ago that February is the month of ‘The Open Door’. This explained the reason for my heightened sense of joy and expectancy. As usual, he confirmed this word with a VERY powerful scripture (Revelation 3: 7-11). At today’s gathering at...

Happy New Year to a Survivor!

Congratulations! You made it. You SURVIVED 2017 and crossed over into 2018 - The Year of The Supernatural. That makes you a SURVIVOR, an Overcomer, more than a Conqueror... It also means that you do not need to fret or be anxious about the challenges that this year...

God Told Me to Tell You THIS!!!

His words were crystal clear but I could hear the anguish in his voice when God told me yesterday to tell his children to “GET IN POSITION” for what he is about to do in 2018. I believe that his anguish stemmed from his concern that MANY of his children were NOT...

Finish and Start Strong – The T’Factor!

With just about 21 days left in 2017, I continue with my mission to prepare, equip and position you to finish and start strong. Through Royal Proclamations #Operation Finish Strong empowerment and prophetic activation teaching series, I am providing you with the...

5th Annual #OperationFinishStrong.

Royal Proclamations is pleased to announce its; 5th Annual #OperationFinishStrong Prayer, Fasting & Empowerment Tele-Summit to: Prepare, Equip & Position YOU to Finish 2017 Strong & Start 2018 Stronger! FEATURING • 4 Weekly Empowerment Sessions on Sunday,...

Tithing or NO Tithing? – “Daddy Freeze” vs Mega Church Preachers.

It was great to be back at #theDEEPend today and lend my voice to the VERY controversial subject recently raised by Nigerian Media Personality; "Daddy Freeze" about whether Tithing should be practiced by New Testament Believers. In this week featured video below, I...


Royal Proclamations are time-proven life principles critical for joy and prosperity in the workplace and in daily living. Princess Bola Adelani, President and Founder of Royal Proclamations, teaches Royal Proclamations to your most valuable assets: You, your employees, and your students.


Royal Proclamations are time-proven life principles critical for joy and prosperity in the workplace and in daily living. Princess Bola Adelani, President and Founder of Royal Proclamations, teaches Royal Proclamations to your most valuable assets: You, your employees, and your students.