If you are like me and the arrival of a new month sends you on an emotional roller coaster with you on the one hand feeling thankful about a new month and the new opportunities it brings but on the other hand feeling anxious and a little downcast about the speed at which time is flying and how far you are from reaching some of your goals and dreams, then this blog is for YOU because as I approached May almost with my usual ‘negative’ energy of discouragement, despair, defeat, etc, I heard God speak to me clearly that he wants me to #GetIntentional About My Gratitude – My Praise!
Don’t get me wrong, it is not like I do thank God for his goodness, etc. but to be honest with you, I only pay lip service to the idea of gratitude. I am NOT intentional, focused and consistent when it comes to expressing gratitude and praising God. I often just gloss over it.
I literally spend hours fasting and praying for different issues but don’t spend one tenth of the time thanking God for the answers when they arrive.
My attitude gets worse when the answers to my prayers don’t come as quickly as I expect! At those times, I feel that there is nothing to be thankful for and get sour and discouraged. It is like God is not moving in my life especially when I compare myself to everyone else around me who seem to be having testimonies and breakthroughs.

breakthrough road sign illustration design over a white background
Yet the Bible says in 1 Thess. 5: 18 say; “in EVERYTHING give thanks for this is the will of God concerning you”. I struggle to obey that biblical injunction as I have a tendency to focus and bemoan what I don’t have instead of being grateful for what I have.
I am sure you can relate! What this does is keep us in an endless cycle of defeat because that negativity actually blocks our blessings and shuts up our heavens. God can NOT move in the absence of faith, love, gratitude and joy. And when we focus on what we don’t have we get into a negative space that shuts out the power of God. Thankfulness on the other hand accelerates our breakthrough, opens our heavens, activates the power of God and brings the manifestation of our prayers sooner.
A classic biblical example is the case of Hannah in 1 Samuel 1 and 2. While she was focused and bemoaned her barrenness instead of being thankful for the positive things that were going on in her life, for example, how her husband loved her, didn’t pressure her about having a baby, gave her more portions than her counterpart who had a baby, God did NOT move in her life. However, the power of God was activated and she became pregnant with Samuel the moment in chapter 1 verse 18, that she; “then she went her way and ate something, and her face was no longer downcast”
That my friend is an example of how thankfulness works! It activates the power of God and accelerates the manifestation of our breakthrough. NOTHING had shifted in her circumstances, the only shift that occurred was in her mind and attitude and the rest is history.
There are MANY scriptures admonishing us to be thankful:
Ephesians 5: 20
Col. 3:17
Phil. 4: 6
Psalm 34: 1:
Hebrews 13:15
The challenge for you this month is to do what the song writer asked you to do and; “count your blessing and name them one by one!”. So, do the following:
1. Write/type on a piece of paper, at least four things you are thankful to God for since the beginning of 2016 (January – April). Include things you are believing for. (Trust me, as you begin to write you will be amazed that you can count more than four.)
2. Design what you’ve written down it into a beautiful poster. Add some background, border, etc to it.
3. Print at least one copy and paste it somewhere visible where you can see it every day. (It is better to print multiple copies and paste in your bedroom, office, bathroom and car.)
4. Take at least five minutes every day going through your list and expressing thanks to God.
5. Schedule a day of thankfulness and celebration this month of May. Do something you love to acknowledge God and celebrate his goodness in your life. It can be as little as going out to eat, taking a walk by the beach, getting a massage, etc.
Email me or post your gratitude poster in my Facebook and Whatsapp group. And as you #getintentional about your gratitude this month and follow the steps outlined, get ready to activate the power of God and accelerate your breakthrough.
Watch the video below for the live recording of this powerful message.
I look forward to connecting with you on social media and “seeing” you LIVE on Periscope on Sundays at our summer time of 4pm EST.
ABOUT: Princess Bola is a British-trained corporate lawyer, an award winning entrepreneur, a revolutionary thought leader, a savvy business coach and an internationally recognized work-life expert.
As America’s “Dream-midwife, Spiritual Money Coach and Queen of Networking”, Princess Bola Adelani, aka the Total Success Coach, equips people to master the four pillars of TOTAL success; mind, money, people and spirit, so that they can exponentially grow their influence, income and impact and thrive and be totally successful in their divine calling and destiny as transformers and leaders of change. Castle Keepers in Atlanta, GA give a thorough home cleaning. Her ultimate goal is to serve as a catalyst to help them;’unlock their Passion, seize Opportunities, gain Wisdom, build on their Experience and get Results’™. It’s her formula for TOTAL success!
She is the Founder and CEO of Royal Proclamations, a personal and professional training firm based in Hartford, Connecticut, which inspires thousands globally to greater personal, and professional fulfillment. She is also lead Pastor and Apostle at, The Gathering Place, a fresh and revolutionary virtual NU (New & Unique) Church movement.
Click here to watch Princess Bola’s latest appearance on Fox CT and learn more about what the rave is about.
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