It still feels surreal but it was only last week that I got back from Dubai and a TOTALLY successful ‘Call to Destiny’ Summit.

I am thankful and beyond humbled that God chose to use me as a catalyst to awaken and ignite the destinies of his people and propel them to their next level in Him. I am pleased to announce that there is a remnant in Dubai that has been set on fire for Jesus!


About forty business and spiritual leaders and emerging leaders from ten nations attended the summit. The countries represented include; Norway, Philippines, India, Nigeria, Uganda, Kenya, Syria, Lebanon and the United States.

My message was very well received. The people were hungry for a fresh word and move of God… they had grown weary of the ‘same ole, same ole’ and God did not disappoint… a life giving message was delivered that broke chains and set people free.

Below are some testimonials from participants;

Some of the delegates of the Dubai ‘C 2 D Summit’ – Unfortunately a significant number had left when this photograph was taken.

Betty said; “I have left feeling I am enough. I can make the change. What is my next level?!”

Ruth said; “Thank you, I am indeed been transformed by the renewing of my mind”

Olivia said; “Thank you so much Princess Bola for impacting my life and creating new connections – #Kingdom Connections. I appreciate. It’s been great knowing you”

This speaks to the paradigm shifts, empowerment and networking that occurred at the summit. All of it was divinely orchestrated to strategically position God’s people for what is he about to do in the region.

The only drawback was that we did NOT have enough time. Before we could blink the time was up and we had to leave the room. That tells me that I will have to go back sooner than later! 🙂


On a personal note, I LOVE Dubai! It is a fresh, vibrant, fast and very cosmopolitan city. Even though I had very little time, I was able to squeeze in some sight-seeing. I visited Dubai mall, Burj Khalifa (the tallest building in the world) and saw the magnificent ‘Dancing Fountain’ show.

I also made some new relationships that I am looking forward to building upon. I had the opportunity to speak at a small Bible study of some Filipinos and at the HOGR (House of Grace & Restoration) Dubai. I was interviewed by Padma Gokool of The Padma Preety Gokool Show… they are all already feeling like family.


Yes, I took tons of photographs and videos which I have uploaded at the Royal Proclamations Facebook page. Please check them out and leave me your comments. Don’t forget to “like” the page while you are there.


Allow me to use this opportunity to thank you for your prayers and support. I hope you will join me on my next trip to Dubai. I will keep you posted on when that will be. In the meantime, please save the date for the UK and South Africa ‘Call to Destiny’ Summit on Saturday, October 1, 8 and 15, 2016, respectively.


America’s “Dream-midwife, Spiritual Money Coach and Queen of Networking”, Princess Bola Adelani, aka the Total Success Coach equips business professionals to master the four pillars of TOTAL success; mind, money, people and spirit so that they can exponentially grow their influence, income and impact and thrive in their divine calling as transformers and leaders of change. Her ultimate goal is to serve as a catalyst to; unlock their ‘Passion, seize Opportunities, gain Wisdom, build on their Experience and get Results’ ™. It’s her formula for TOTAL success!Princess-Bola-adelani

She is the Founder and CEO of Royal Proclamations, a personal and professional training firm based in Hartford, Connecticut, which inspires thousands globally to greater personal, and professional fulfillment. She is also lead Pastor and Apostle at, The Gathering Place, a fresh and revolutionary virtual NU (New & Unique) Church movement.

Click here to watch Princess Bola’s latest appearance on Fox CT and learn more about what the rave is about.

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